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meeting times

We meet every Tuesday from 2:30-3:30 in Ms. Beck's Room (1723). 

practice schedule calendar and office hours

member requirements

- Pay dues by October 1st, 2021 (notify board if you are unable to do so!) 

board application requirements

General Board

- Volunteer for Middle School Coaching at least 2 times​


- Attend at least 4 tournaments


- Provide a judge for at least 2 tournaments

Executive Board 

- Must have been a member of General Board the previous     year

- Volunteer for Middle School Coaching at least 4 times​

- Provide a judge for at least 4 tournaments

- Vice President:

         - Attend at least 6 tournaments, with a                                          minimum of 1 national

- President:

          - Attend at least 7 tournaments, with a minimum     of               1 national and 1 out of state

         - Must have competed at least 2 times per semester

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